
Techno Heat Sp. z o.o.
is direct and sole representative 
in Poland for:



Adress :
Techno Heat sp. z o.o.,
30-733 Kraków,
ul. Bagrowa 1/29
tel/fax: 012 421 79 40

NV air heaters

Designed in conjuction with specifers, installers and users, the new nv offers uncompromisingly efficent and cost effective heating, cooling and ventilation for industrial and commercial properties. A comprehensive range of control and modular duct components guarantees total system flexibility - whether you require heating, cooling, ventilation or a combinal air comfort system.

Heaters NV:

  • Efficient and cost effective climate control,
  •  Complete system flexibility,
  • Designed in conjunction with specifiers, installers and users,
  • • Available in freeblowing or suitable for ducted application, 
  • Can be mounted horizontally to work as a downflow unit room sealed,
  • Outpur range: 10kW to 140kW,
  • • ECA listed.


Pliki do pobrania:

NV range brochure

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© Techno Heat sp. z o.o. 2009-2013
wykonanie: domena.pl